In these challenging times of corona, we had a successful online read through of the screenplay with the cast a few weeks ago. Hearing the words read aloud presents an opportunity to understand more about the characters and the world in which they live.

The sounds of the dialogue, with nuances from the actors and the command or vulnerability in their voice can instigate fresh new ideas for the director. Hearing written text leap from the page spoken as spoken voice can help visualise the story and bring to light any mistakes or pitfalls that may have previously gone unnoticed. The symbiosis between actor and director can start to thrive as they reinterpret scenes together - feeding off each other, developing new ideas and perspectives. An important aspect of the read-through is to get an idea of the timing. It helps give a better determination of how long the final product will be and what scenes need to be cut or extended. It helps us the script editing. As Adam always says...edit, edit, edit. And when you've finished editing, edit some more.